When parents participate actively in their children’s education, kids perform better in school. This helps kids realize the significance of their academic work.

Even while parents are aware of the long-term advantages of homework, it can occasionally seem like a daily battle to convince kids to complete it. You may better understand your child’s present learning needs, how they are developing, how they learn best, and what they need you to advocate for by looking at why they have homework in the first place. Additionally, you should take advantage of the opportunity to speak with their teacher since, at the end of the day, you and the teacher should be collaborating for the benefit of your child.

Having said that, here is my best advice as a teacher on completing homework this academic year:

1. Set up a space conducive to homework

Make sure your child has a spot to do their schoolwork that is tidy and well-lit. Making sure that she has access to tools like pencils, crayons, paper, and glue will be helpful. If your child is still struggling or frustrated, something as easy as moving to “a special area to work” will help her feel more motivated and possibly even more confident.

2. Schedule a regular homework time 

Routines are normally well received by kids. It aids in their comprehension of expectations. Give your child a deadline for finishing her homework if you think it will help. They will have some control over their schedule as a result of this.

3. Keep distractions to a minimum

No television, loud music, or obtrusive siblings are allowed. Try to choose a calm area where your child can concentrate, especially if they are easily distracted.

4. Be an inspiration

When young toddlers do not understand a concept right away, they may withdraw and feel inferior. To help your child recall what they learned at school, try solving the first issue together.

5. Commend their efforts and work

Quick feedback is essential, especially for younger children. It’s acceptable to correct errors unless a teacher specifically asks that you not do so; however,  make sure to also acknowledge your child’s efforts and highlight their accomplishments. If they think they will receive your praise, they might be more motivated to perform well on their first attempt.

6. Encourage breaks in between assignments

Focus can be improved and interest in the task at hand can be maintained with the help of brief breaks. Additionally, taking a quick break will enable them to restart their thoughts if they become stopped at any time during their assignment. Therefore, encourage them to take breaks in between assignments so they can come back to finish them with newfound energy.

7. Reward achievements

Celebrate accomplishments with well-deserved awards, such as finishing homework without assistance or completing a project before the due date. Invite them to play with you in the park or join you for some indoor games. This will encourage them to work harder on their homework.

8. Maintain positivity

Encourage a positive outlook on assignments to instill a similar outlook in the kids. Children learn from you, so they will hold the same views on homework.

9. Don’t directly assist, just offer support

Children’s learning outside of the classroom is extended through their homework. Their comprehension of the surrounding notions is at the center of it. They’ll probably come to you for homework assistance. If you provide the answers, however, their learning will be slowed. When they are unsure, clarify concepts with them and help them when necessary, but insist that they structure their responses.

10. Interact with your child’s teacher/educator

Keep in touch with the teachers at your child’s school to learn more about the homework requirements, your child’s academic success, and the quality of the work they turn in. This will enable you to better parent your child and reinforce the idea that parents and teachers work together to mentor children.

In general, treat it seriously because it is, work with your child’s teacher as a team, and pay attention to what it’s saying about your child. Even if it seems difficult at first, keep in mind that your child will imitate your behavior. Use this as an opportunity to help them learn the perseverance and resilience they will need as they advance through the grades and eventually become independent learners, starting as early as middle school. Additionally, try to have fun with it whenever you can!