If you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re probably right
– Henry Ford

Our tutors will help you to say ‘of course I can’ every time!

Welcome to

Education Selection Box



We make it easier for you to find the flavour of education that suits your need.

Just like your favourite chocolates, you can pick the ones you want most and create a custom combination of subjects and teaching styles that mean the best possible outcomes for learners of all ages.

Education Selection Box specialises in providing child-centered and SEN learning programmers for all ages, making ambitious futures possible. Whatever the need, the diagnosis or the wrap around package needed, the team will provide it and give support throughout. Learners include gifted and talented, those with autism spectrum disorder and the home education community. In everything we focus on the interests and needs of the child.

Most importantly we know that understanding core concepts and processes is vital. You need to understand the basics before you progress through to the advanced, so that’s where we start. We pinpoint where you are on the learning map and then we help you to progress, step by step, when it’s right for you.

We use all sorts of materials ( lots of them are produced by us especially for you ) and explain everything at every step you take. Education Selection Box’s main objective is for you to learn and progress, having lots of fun in the process!

Need a Fun & Friendly Way To Prepare For Your Exams & Pass Them?

Then subscribe to the Learning Genie Club (TLGC) now and get easy-to-follow and fun virtual lessons for all ages.

Our Vision & Practise

Our Approach

We’ll teach you according to YOUR needs, whatever they are. Whatever learning style suits you, you’ll find it there at Education Selection Box.

Our Curriculum

We all develop in life learning. Whatever we learn it helps us to progress and make sense of the world around us. If we like what we’re learning about, then we’ll enjoy it more, so we offer all subjects; Your selection box. We will teach any subject because we want you to love learning. Why? Well, once you’ve fallen in love with one subject and realized that you CAN do it, then the next subject will be easier. Then the next and the next. Learning in topics works really well too. The Percy Jackson films are a favorite and they include Greek myths, history, geography, character analytics, storytelling and much more!

Our Exam Program

Our vision also works for exam subjects. We want you to love learning those too, because your exams are important. Every exams syllabus is meant to prepare you for adult life and since no one knows what you’ll be doing in thirty years’ time, the syllabus has to include lots of important skills. If those skills make sense to you and you can use them confidently, you’ll pass the exams. It doesn’t matter how old you are, you need to understand them. Education Selection Box realizes how important it is to be prepared for exams so we expertly guide you through all of the exam boards. When you are finally ready to sit for an exam, we will arrange the whole process, including booking the exams with private exam centres.

Keeping children included

How We Work…

Referral & Contact

Education Selection Box receives a referral from LA or another education agency or gets contacted by families, and accepts this referral or contact in principle, subject to sufficient & up-to-date information.


Education Selection Box reviews information and gathers further feedback from relevant partners known to the child.


Education Selection Box carries out a risk assessment for home/school/ tuition or mentoring.


Education Selection Box team of qualified teachers plan a package of support to best meet the child’s educational needs  (including costs) and submits it to the original referrer.


Once approved, Education Selection Box commences with the package of support, providing regular progress updates to relevant parties.

More than tuition…


Rather than simply providing a tutor and stopping there, we consider ourselves a strong part of the team responsible for the educational progress and attainment of every one of our students.

Managed by a close team of qualified teachers, we work together to build bespoke packages of education support that best meet the needs of the child.

Commissioners, parents/carers and students can expect us to:

  • Personally oversee each educational package
  • Organise collaborative working amongst educators where an individual student is supported by more than one tutor
  • Attend TAC meetings
  • Book exams for those young people who cannot be on a school roll
  • Support educators in their roles and share best practice
  • Respond to changing needs in the student by re-organising the emphasis of an education package
Child Centred Learning

What our Students and parents say…

My son has always been uncomfortable with English and has lacked imagination when it comes to creative writing. He has various special needs including high anxiety. We met with Helen and she immediately put him at ease. Her approach is refreshing and encouraging. After four sessions she has managed to ignite an interest in literature and a sense of excitement about language. We look forward to regular lessons in preparation for GCSE with a renewed sense of optimism. I’d have no hesitation in recommending The Complete Works.


Our 10 yr old daughter had a few weeks out of school whilst we stayed in Leamington for family reasons. To keep learning on the agenda, we looked for tutoring options and were delighted to find The Complete works as they had a few options and were delighted to find The Complete works as they had a few options available for homeschoolers. Once Upon a Time was a fun creative writing course taught b the lovely Annie. My daughter enjoyed the lessons not just for the writing but also for the inspiration to learn more about WW2 and codebreaking.. I appreciated Helen’s flexibility in allowing my daughter to join for the few weeks we were there.


I would definitely recommend Helen. For the first time in 30 years I had to consider writing my CV. Gone are the days when a list of exam results would suffice. Helen offered me brilliant ideas on layout, languagge I could use and, more importantly, the confidence that I could achieve whatever i put my mind to. Brilliant, friendly lady who gives her time and experience 👍 Thank you Helen.